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Introduction Courses

The transformation of clay to ceramic is a technical craft.

This is why we propose very complete introduction courses to give keen learners the fundamental basic skills and knowledge to start their clay journey well accompanied. You shall be invited to experience the different techniques and methods of working with clay first-hand through guided exercises and games. Fun learning garenteed !

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Intro Course :
Fundamental Hand-building Pottery  

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Intro Course : 
Throwing on the Potter's Wheel 

After your Introduction course,
become a Studio Member

Become a member with a membership Pass to continue learning and making more and more at your own rythm

  • Book a table in our studio for 2:30 hours for hand-building or glazing

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    2 hr 30 min

    39 euros
  • Book a potter's wheel in our studio for 2:30 hrs of throwing/trimming

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    2 hr 30 min

    39 euros

© studio kiwi asbl

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